On this page you’ll find stories of successful matches between rescued LRROF dogs and their families.  These stories are written by the families themselves.  We hope you enjoy reading them as much as much as we do! Please note that we post the stories as volunteer time permits.

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | R | S | T | V | W | Z

Stories are ordered by date submitted, newest first.


My husband and I adopted Neo from lab rescue when he was a puppy. We went through the process and happily got the call not to long afterwards. Neo was my wonderful companion for almost 13 years.and I was his companion every moment for his last month with us. He recently died from an adrenal rumor. I am heart broken and miss him terribly. I highly reccomend Lab rescue. We have adopted before, but adopting with this group was a wonderful experience !
-- Annette duPlessis (09/25/2018)



Nina came to me in 2003 through the LROF, a spunky big yellow girl. This is long before I met my wife and started a family, so Nina was my first true love. She spent 13 good years with us before moving on to the 'perfect life' in dog heaven. Nina died when our daughter was only 2, but she still talks about her 'Nina Dog' to us. Nina endured two military deployments staying with family, a few hurricanes and a ton of adventure. She was an awesome dog, perfect in every way. There are so many stories to share, it could fill a book. I truly believe Nina's story could out-due that 'Marley' dog on TV ;-). Thank you for your 'mission' and what you do at LROF - we'll be looking for another dog soon, just scared we can't find one as awesome as Nina.
-- Dan Scheer (11/07/2017)



My husband wanted a larger dog and I knew how hyper labs can be so I was not sold on the idea until we saw this little black lab in the petsmart cart. She was calm and cuddly and for some reason I knew she would be a good dog for us and our cavalier king charles spaniel. She took a long while to come out of her she'll as she was scared of everything but now she is happy and healthy with all her fur again. Oh and super smart.
-- Laura Rice (03/19/2014)



We got our dog, Nala from your wonderful organization back in 2007 when she was a puppy, from a lovely foster volunteer named Miranda. Our son and daughter were just 4 and 7 and were very excited to add a dog to our family! Nala has been a wonderful dog over the years - she responded well to training since she was very young and became a beloved family member. She loves people, going on walks, and enjoys playing fetch with a tennis ball. 🙂 In 2011, we moved back to California after spending 9 years in Tampa, Florida. We recently celebrated Nala's 5th birthday and she's really enjoying life as a California girl . 🙂 -The Hinds Family
-- Deborah Hinds (01/02/2013)



Six months after the death of our wonderful black lab, we opened our hearts to another lab. We went to Pat and Lewis's home, and we were chosen by Norman. He would not leave our sides, and in reality, he chose us. We could not ask for a more dedicated and wonderful team of volunteers, who make it their lifes mission to find forever homes for their orphaned dogs.
-- Susan & Ron Taylor (03/24/2012)


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