Success Stories by Dog Name:
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In the fall of 2010, I had gone to meet a different dog in New Port Richey. Upon arrival, I met a very handsome boy, but noticed a lot of barking within the residence. I asked how many dogs are you fostering? The answer… 9. I took a chance and inquired if there were any female black labs (the type I had when I still lived with my parents). Sure enough, there was what became my Pippin.
She was great with all ages of children & enjoyed playing ball with the neighborhood kids. She loved meeting all kinds of people too. We enjoyed our walks & hanging out in the house keeping each other company. Most of all she loved visiting my family. Whether a road trip to see them or the excitement of picking them up at the airport. She enjoyed her car rides.
Sadly, she received a cancer diagnosis & I had to say goodbye to my baby girl at 13 1/2 yrs old this past April. Not a day goes by that I don’t miss her. There is a huge void in my heart. Even though I have plans to rescue again, she will always be my 1st baby girl.
-- Dana Knaga (02/06/2025)

We were so fortunate to be matched with noble Steve! We wanted an older dog, and Steve was 8-1/2 years old when he came into our home and hearts. During the next almost eight years, Steve and his pal, Pepper, traveled with us on our boat to the Bahamas (many times), Turks and Caicos, Dominican Republic and many Caribbean Islands all the way down to Antigua. Car trips galore as well. Steve wove his way into every heart he passed and many mourned his loss in September of this year. He was always there to greet us with a toy in his mouth and an enthusiastic tail wag. Fred and I feel very lucky he entered our lives and we miss him terribly. I know Pepper does also.
-- Darla and Fred Brodsky (12/04/2024)

Charlie became part of our lives in June 2016 when we fostered him. He was our first and last foster. He soon became the epicenter of our family and our lives and made us Foster failures. His amazing personality won over our hearts. On our first visit to the dog park he sat on the bench along with all the humans and watched the dogs. He would sometimes go hang out with other people just to be sociable. He was not much of a water dog preferring to stay on dry land. He loved car rides and Fairchild park was one of his favorite explorations. He loved sunbathing on his back in the garden and snuggling on the sofa. In 2019 he developed heart tumors and passed away in September. We still miss him every day and we were heartbroken for a long time but we think we can now look again for another Charlie
-- Timothy Venn (11/30/2024)

I will forever be grateful to LRROF for saving my Lucy and bringing us together. Lucy was 9 months old when I adopted her from her loving foster family in Tarpon Springs. LRROF had already treated a lot of Lucy’s medical issues and took great care of her! As soon as we met her we knew she was meant for us. Initially, she was timid but had the sweetest and most eager to please personality. She quickly warmed up to her new life and that’s when our adventures started. She loved everyone she met and with the exception of eating, her favorite place to be was by my side. Lucy passed away at the unfair age of 7 from Lymphoma. Her companionship is something that I will treasure for the rest of my life.
-- Brianna Nate (06/07/2024)

After we rescued our first lab from a humane society we knew we had to get him a friend. After having such a wonderful experience rescuing one, we wanted to rescue another! We found Carl through LRROF and couldn’t be happier. Carl is the sweetest and friendliest dog. He is so non confrontational even with other dogs. And boy does he LOVE other dogs. He’s so happy to met new people, met their dogs and he plays and plays and plays. We take them to the beach often and they both of course love the water. We really lucked out with two good boys. We had our trepidations before we brought him home but it has been the best decision for our household!
LRROF did such a good matching us with a dog that would blend well with our family and what we were looking for. I recommend to everyone if they are looking for a dog, they need to rescue! And rescue with a good cause. Thank you all so much!
-- Nicole LeSage (05/11/2024)

We had to put our Duke down at the young age of 11 due to cancer. We were looking on LRRofF for a few weeks looking for another chocolate lab. Not a puppy or a senior dog, but an adult dog. We found Whiskey who is a chocolate lab. 5 1/2 years young. We called Merrianne and she walked us through the process not letting us have any expectations, but what could happen. Which we appreciated that we were not misled. We filled out all the necessary paperwork. Then we did a virtual tour of our home to make sure it was safe for Whiskey. Some hard professional questions as we toured the property. Somethings that we would not have thought of. She then set us up with Robin, the foster mom to set a time and date to meet with her and Whiskey. Yesterday, we met them both and were we surprised what a handsome dude Whiskey was and is! And talk about polite showing himself off. LOL Well, lucky us, Robin approved us and after about an hour or so. We were on our way home with Whiskey in the back seat with my daughter. It's been about a day now and he is starting to feel comfortable in our, his home! He loves to be with someone all day and we will not leave him at home alone. I can't say enough good about Robin and Merrianne and what they do. It takes a special person to do this. Thanks to the both of you!!! Whiskey, Joline, Cindy & Walt
-- Cindy & Walt Angel (01/08/2024)

In April of this past year we lost our boy, Vinnie, after 15 long wonderful years of loving him. Originally, we had no intention of getting another lab as fast as we did, but when we came across Buddie's (Buddy) beautiful face, I just could not move past his story. Buddie was used as a breading dog and housed in outdoor crate in the Florida heat for 4 years. When he was rescued by the group and fostered by his amazing foster parent's he had never been inside a house, played with toys, or had the love that he deserved. We contacted the rescue and applied to adopt this precious boy, and Kerry and Jason were kind enough to keep him an extra few days until we returned from vacation and could pick up our new baby.
Buddie has adjusted to the changes so well over the past six months, he now has many lazy days resting on the fluffy couches and chairs instead of a hard crate, playing with toys, long walks and he LOVES to travel with us...absolutely loves car rides and just wants to be with his people. He is a lover of everyone, other animals, and does not have a mean bone in his body. We realized that Buddie saved us from the hole in our hearts after losing Vinnie as much as we saved him, he is appreciative of every kiss and cuddle and so are we.
-- Kristia Bednarek (11/28/2023)

I adopted Max while working at Camp Bow Wow during 2020. At the time I wasn’t sure if I wanted another dog due to the fact that I had another older dog at home slowly declining however, I grown to love black labs and Max could not of came to me at a better timing. It was almost like destiny. During his time fostering at Camp Bow Wow him and I grew a very strong bond. Whenever I was in the building max would do anything just to be my side from barking and whining through the fence, or even jumping the gates to get to me. At that point I knew this dog picked me. He had some extreme anxiety issues in the beginning but I committed and we worked through his behavior. He can still be a little anxious sometimes but he has settled down a lot. Unfortunately my older dog passed away 6 months after the adoption of Max and max stayed by my side through the whole grieving process. It has been 2 years now since I have brought him home and I couldn’t of asked for a better dog. I truly don’t know where I would be today without my max. He is my soul dog and my entire world. We now enjoy long hikes, playing fetch in the back yard, going to different dog parks, and sometimes we will even go swimming. Thank you so much Lab Rescue for bringing my max into my life. My whole world has been changed thanks to this wonderful dog.
-- Madison Weaver (02/17/2023)

In 2009, after making the decision to adopt a Lab, then Clearwater Labrador Rescue sent Sheri Descarreaux-Kulow to my apartment to be evaluated. I was approved and I asked what's next. She sent me to their website and said start meeting your future furry friend. And to let the dog choose you, you'll know when the time is right. I went through all of the available rescues, but didn't get that response. She said don't rush it. You'll know. She sent me to the neighboring rescue to Vicky Bowles Walls-Drown and after looking over dogs there I noticed at the very bottom of the page Sweet William (an odd name I never heard for a pup). It looked really thin. As an impulse, I drove an hour and a half to foster Vanessa's (can't remember last name) house in the pouring rain it but stopped as I arrived. I walked up the wet driveway and only got out a single "Hello" as she stood in her doorway at the house. Out walks this little boy slowly looking at me while approaching. I stop. He continues to walk up, wraps his body around my feet and lays down. Inside my head fireworks are going off, He chose me! Vanessa informs me they do not know where he came from as he was found wandering dehydrated alongside a road. And he had a barking issue and was sometimes known to bark 8 hours non-stop and had to be muzzled a lot. I'm up for the challenge, let's do this! After renaming him Maxwell (responded very excitedly towards it being Vanessa's black Labs name he lived with), and late...
-- Randy Abendschein (01/30/2023)

I am a foster for LRROF and I was contacted about a 9 year old chocolate lab named Cocoa whose owner had passed away. I immediately said yes that I would foster her and within about 5 minutes of meeting this dog I knew she was going to be adopted BY ME! She is the sweetest dog & I love her & she will be with me until she takes her last breath.
-- Tom Corsi (12/19/2022)