Cocoa Cee Cee

Cyndi Brozovich- Cocoa Cee Cee was found in NC in April right around my birthday running the streets. She had birthed many litters of puppies. Lab Rescue of Florida went right up to get her. All I wanted for my birthday was a chocolate female lab from rescue. I stay home all day due to my illness and needed a companion. When Cocoa came for her home visit at the end of May she walked right in and laid in the pool like she owned it. The guy who brought her said he couldn't get her to leave even if we wanted. We were told by lab rescue she had a hard life. She had liver issues due to probably ingesting sago palm and was on medicine for an ear infection and her liver. When I took her to Ft. Caroline Animal Clinic Dr. Athey got her on the correct 2 medicines for her ear and suggested we get a look at her liver with an ultrasound and a x-ray to see exactly what we were dealing with. They saw she had been hit by a car by how many ribs were broken and been shot in the leg. The broken ribs were healed but had caused a diaphramatic hernia so severe it pushed all her organs up into her lung and heart. Dr. A sent her to Affiliated Veterinary Specialist for emergency surgery by Dr. Erne. on 7/09/12. He cut her from her lungs down to her pee pee, repaired rupture and put all her organs back were they should be and placed a mesh piece to hold them there. It has been 3 weeks and she has had lots more visits for fluids, seepage, cultures, staple removal, abdominal swelling for a grand total of over 4K at this point so far. Thank goodness for the Lab rescue discount of 30%. We saw Dr. Athey today (8/01/12) and he feels her liver and other organs are trying to heal from being so smushed together for so long (3mo). We are going to watch her liver functions and pray for complete healing. She is the sweetest, happiest gurrl and my best friend / companion. We love her beyond words.
-- Cyndi Brozovich (08/01/2012)
Adoption Date: 5/31/2012

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