Henry J

January 25, 2015 we adopted a senior Lab, our Henry J. We picked him up from his foster home, getting him in the car he settled in before we even pulled away. He laid in the back looking out the windows taking in the fresh air. I'm always amazed at how animals go with the flow trusting us in their journey. When we got home Henry J met his 2 new Corgi pals and the CATS. Honestly it was as though he'd lived with us his whole life, making himself right at home. Henry J beamed when he saw the toy box, rummaging through it until he found a tennis ball, of course. He enjoyed going for leisurely walks, with the Corgis adjusting their pace to meet his. The afternoons he would bask in the warmth of the sun while gentle breezes cooled his chocolate coat. But mealtime was his favorite time of day, he could hardly contain his excitement! Even if in a deep sleep his internal time clock would wake him to eat. Dancing and prancing until his yummy dish of food was placed before him, and don't think you can forget the treats, three exactly three. As time passed the walks were too much, the treasure hunts in the toy box ended and the summer heat too much. Henry J's bad days had sadly outnumbered his good days, sadly it was time. The morning of he had tender, juicy steak for breakfast, which he gobbled down. I had spread a blue blanket on his bed, after he'd eaten and gone out one last time he came in and laid down upon it. We had arranged for Lap of Love to come to our home and send Henry J on his final journey. While our sweet Henry J slipped away I fed him a chocolate bar, I told him how much we loved him and would miss him. The animals said their fair wells, our pup, Stella licked his face and laid down next to him rubbing her body against his, as though trying to awaken him. After they said their goodbyes I tucked a tennis ball under Henry J for his new life, I'd written his name upon it. We wrapped him in the blanket, I hugged and kissed him one last time... The next day Stella the pup was bounding around the backyard with something in her mouth, as always. She ran up to me and dropped her treasure at my feet....it was the tennis ball I'd given to Henry J. Even in passing Henry J was giving us a gift, his tennis ball for Stella the pup who so adored him. He knew he wouldn't be needing it, after all over the Rainbow Bridge tennis balls grow on trees! To this day it is her favorite, the one her BIG brother left for her. Henry J taught us many things, the best one, giving a senior dog a place to call HOME. Until we meet again my sweet Henry J, love MOM
-- Lisa Johnson (06/09/2016)
Adoption Date: 1/25/2015
Foster Location: Tarpon Springs

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