
About a year and a half ago I went to the St. Johns County Animal Rescue with the intention of finding the perfect dog to adopt. We were renting a house at the time and couldn't adopt a dog over 20 pounds. At the very end of the row of barking dogs was a beautiful, chocolate, male lab who was just sitting pretty and looking at us. I wanted to take him home so bad but knew that I couldn't so we decided not to adopt that day. Fast forward a year and a few months and I have been working with Lab rescue to bring home a lab to our new home that we OWN. I happened to ask if she knew or remembered a lab that was in the shelter in St. Johns at the time I went in there and she said "Yes, as a matter of fact, I think that lab is being returned by a lady who adopted him and can't keep him because he chases her cats. He was chocolate right?" I couldn't believe it!!! What were the odds? So I arranged to Foster him to possibly adopt with the hope that he would learn to be around cats...I have 2. Within 2 weeks he had made friends with my 2 cats and I catch him laying with the youngest cat quite a bit. We adopted him last month and it's hard to imagine how we were without him. We love him so much!!! He is super smart and so sweet and LOVES us!
-- Tara Adams (08/30/2013)
Adoption Date: 7/1/2013

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