
My previous rescue Bedlington terrier passed in February 2010 at age 15 years- his name was Winston and I had also rescued his father who passed in 2002- Hemingway was his name and they were both from Key West- confiscated in a drug bust. After a period of mourning, I was deterined to rescue another dog and decided to pursue a Labrador- I had never owned a "big" dog before but Labs are so engaging. Initially, Lab Rescue gave me a young girl Lab in fall 2010 named Leyla. She was a sweet girl with me but had heartworms and was agressive with other dogs and people- it was an unfortunate pairing but I do not blame Lab Rescue- I think the foster family did not live up to expectations and maybe misrepresented Leyla's condition but that is not important at this time. After 3 months Lab Rescue agreed to take her back to foster and it was very hard to let her go because she was so sweet with me- I only hope I gave her 3 months of additional loving foster care. I hope she has found a better forever home- she deserves it. In March 2011 they matched me with Rocky- a 5-6 year old black lab who is the best thing who ever happened to me. He has never had an accident, barked (except at meals with joy and expectation) or chewed. He is a cuddly best friend- so open and loving and attached to me- he is perfect, great on the leash, and everyone in my community loves him and dotes on him. He goes to day care at Central Bark in Fort Lauderdale 3 times a week and is called Rock Star by the staff- all of the humans and dogs adore him, as do I. I am so grateful to Lab Rescue for introducing Rocky into my life and I am considering adopting another somewhat younger Lab to be Rocky's companion as he enters his "golden years" if my job demands permits. Thank you Lab Rescue for giving me this amazing doggy friend, who is the world to me, and for all you do for all the "Rocky's" of the world. You are doing special and blessed work. JW
-- James Wilkinson (09/06/2012)
Adoption Date: 3/15/2011
Foster Location: Broward County

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